“Your power can’t cease to amaze me, Leverie,” Virgo said vibrantly, “That Specialist really did a good job on you. Your meticulous eyes can’t seem to escape anyone, even from the backside." Ciara’s heart hammered in her chest. This was the Empress who nearly killed her by extracting her memories away, and Leverie, her older, was assisting her
Blind Candidate: Chapter Twenty Four
Blind Candidate: Chapter Twenty Four
Her sister was alive, and she was standing in front of Ciara. A blast of intense sentiment of shock, relief, and happiness slammed Ciara’s chest. Her hands started to shook. She could hear the throbbing sound at the back of her head. “L-L-Leverie…” Ciara whimpered. I’m not going to cry. I’m not going to cry. She repeated in
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